This was such a beautiful essay, John!! The imagery of the lamplit room in that lovely little bookshop sent a searing pang of yearning, like a sharply plucked harp string, vibrating through my heart.
I've only just days ago begun reading "Meditations on the Tarot" - having ordered it last July and then set it aside - it's a bit hard 'going' for my abilities, but wonderfully worth the effort. I haven't been reading it linearly, but rather skipping back & forth among the letters, and I just have to share with your readers here:
In letter 20, on "The Judgement" card (on page 572 of my copy) Tomberg, expounding on man's free will and understanding "The Lord's Prayer", says, "God acts on the Earth only through our free will freely united with his. Miracles are not proofs of divine omnipotents, but rather of the omnipotents of the 'alliance' of divine will and human will."
In other words Tomberg is somewhat expressing the idea that even in the case of 'God's will being done', our prayers are necessary in order to 'empower' God to intervene on Earth.
So...perhaps it might be 'needed' that we pray for the return of this Godly Emperor whom we would all gladly follow to a new beginning?
Thanks very much Carol. Yes, I think that's the way to read Tomberg. Unlike 'The Book of Holy Kings' it can't really be read in one sitting! I've been dipping in and out of it since 1999. One has to read it slowly and meditatively - prayerfully even - a little at a time. Then, slowly but surely, it begins to reveal its depths, which are of course the depths of God. These truths are only ready to be awakened in us when we ourselves are ready though, which may take time.
I intend at some point to read the whole book cover to cover, but if and when I do it'll be no more than four pages a day, with the journey through the book taking half a year at least. That's the only way to do it justice, I think.
It's been encouraging, over the last couple of years, to see so many good people engaging with this text. It certainly seems to be more 'on the radar' than in the late '90s when I first discovered it. And that's got to be a good sign!
This was such a beautiful essay, John!! The imagery of the lamplit room in that lovely little bookshop sent a searing pang of yearning, like a sharply plucked harp string, vibrating through my heart.
I've only just days ago begun reading "Meditations on the Tarot" - having ordered it last July and then set it aside - it's a bit hard 'going' for my abilities, but wonderfully worth the effort. I haven't been reading it linearly, but rather skipping back & forth among the letters, and I just have to share with your readers here:
In letter 20, on "The Judgement" card (on page 572 of my copy) Tomberg, expounding on man's free will and understanding "The Lord's Prayer", says, "God acts on the Earth only through our free will freely united with his. Miracles are not proofs of divine omnipotents, but rather of the omnipotents of the 'alliance' of divine will and human will."
In other words Tomberg is somewhat expressing the idea that even in the case of 'God's will being done', our prayers are necessary in order to 'empower' God to intervene on Earth.
So...perhaps it might be 'needed' that we pray for the return of this Godly Emperor whom we would all gladly follow to a new beginning?
Thanks very much Carol. Yes, I think that's the way to read Tomberg. Unlike 'The Book of Holy Kings' it can't really be read in one sitting! I've been dipping in and out of it since 1999. One has to read it slowly and meditatively - prayerfully even - a little at a time. Then, slowly but surely, it begins to reveal its depths, which are of course the depths of God. These truths are only ready to be awakened in us when we ourselves are ready though, which may take time.
I intend at some point to read the whole book cover to cover, but if and when I do it'll be no more than four pages a day, with the journey through the book taking half a year at least. That's the only way to do it justice, I think.
It's been encouraging, over the last couple of years, to see so many good people engaging with this text. It certainly seems to be more 'on the radar' than in the late '90s when I first discovered it. And that's got to be a good sign!