Politics is always about worldly power. Without exception power always sooner or later corrupts those who wield it. Without exception all of the various players claimed to have God On Their Side, which is the title of a song by Bob Dylan.

With his beautiful falsetto voice Aaron Neville of the Neville Brothers gives a very moving interpretation of the song.

Are you familiar with this site http://thehumandivine.org

As far as I know such a prophetic voice/person as William Blake has not appeared in Britain ever since,.

And will (cannot) appear!

This is very much to do with the thesis of Iain McGilchrist's book The Master & His Emissary - The Left Brain and the Making of the (modern) Western World.

The spirit-killing left brained zeitgeist now patterns and controls every minute aspect of human culture, including (with very rare exception) all that is usually promoted as religion.

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Thanks Jonathan. Yes, I agree. The Left Brain has become wholly dominant and it seems to be extending its reach all the time. Yet I do feel that cracks are beginning to show. A bit like what I say above about industrial/commercial Britain, it can't satisfy the deepest longings of our souls. And I think that more and more people are beginning to feel that and are looking around for alternatives.

I used to look at that site but haven't for a while. I'll have a scan at it later.

All the best, JF.

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