Haunting image of Susanna warning the jeering crowd. The roots of the 'dark spell of colonisation' go deep. There are two Britains and its like the two dragons fighting under the castle, one red, and one white. Except the coloniser dragon seems completely triumphant. Would love to see how this plays out into the 'golden age' of British rationalism, Empire, Masonry, and Globalism, and then look forward to the return of the once and future king to revivify the wasteland of modern Britain.

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Thank you Matt! Yes. To forget who you are is one thing. That's bad enough. But to forget that you've forgotten. That's quite another. Yet this is where we are. Increasingly so, it seems. The roots of the spell, as you say, go very deep. It's not nice or pretty to see that. But It's a necessary first step. A voyage to a beginning. What has to come next is clear and direct action - a severing of the Gordian Knot, a bonfire of the vanities - choose your analogy. I often think of Puddleglum in The Silver Chair in this respect, stamping barefoot on the Green Witch's fire, walking through pain to break the reductionist, uber-secular spell the Narnians have been captured by. 'Good old Puddleglum!' as Eustace (I think) shouts out afterwards.

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